Parents killed their 7 year old son – and then the doctors found this heartbreaking letter in the boy’s handsз

It happened to a little boy who clearly did not deserve such a fate and we want everyone to read this sad story.

Child abuse happens to this day to millions of young children who did not deserve it for nothing.This sad story is about a boy with a big heart who should not be forgotten .We must not forget Ivan.

My name is Ivan and I am 7 years old. I love my mom and dad, but I’m also scared of them. They beat me sometimes and I don’t know why.

This morning I woke up and went to school. I am a good pupil and the teacher likes me.

I love my friends for class, but I have no friends. That’s the reason why sometimes I stay in class at the breaks. No body wants to play with me. I tried connecting with the other kids, but they rejected me and said that I’m nasty.

They laugh at me because I wear the same clothes almost every day.

One day after school I stole a coat that was hanged in the class for long time, no one was looking after it. And then I went back home alone in the rain. I was cold and shaking and it was difficult walking in the strong wind. Suddenly someone pushed me, I fell in the ground and someone shove my face in the ground.

“No one likes you, you idiot”.

They kicked me in the back and the stomatch, and then escaped running and left me laying on the floor.

I cried. Not because I was cold and injured, but because I didn’t have a single friend, although I loved everyone.

The moment I reached home, my mother ran at me and grabbed me by the hair.

“Where have you been? Why are you so wet and dirty? Damn kid, you will not get dinner tonight. Go to your room and stay there”.

I did what my mother told me to do, I went to my room and didn’t leave it until the next morning, even though I was hungry and cold.

My grades weren’t so good, and everytime my dad heard about it, he would beat me. One time he beat me so strong that I couldn’t move my finger. All the kids laughed because of it.

Time went by, and one day I felt strong pain in the chest.

Mom and dad didn’t care about my pain. In the evening I was laying in bed and all I wanted was one thing. I wanted that it won’t hurt anymore, because I didn’t want to piss off mom and dad. I love them so much, I realy do.

The next morning at school we got a mission to do – to pain our biggest dream. The other kids painted cars, spaceships and pretty dolls. I didn’t draw something like that.

Not because I don’t like those things, but because my dream is to have a loving mom and dad. So I painted a family. One mother, one father, and their son. They played games and were all happy. While I was painting, I cried quitely. I wish I had a mom and dad who would love me.

When it was my turn to show my painting in front of the class, everyone was laughing at me.

I stood in front of them and explained:

“My biggest dream is a family”.

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