Meet the man with the world’s longest nose, which is 7.5 inches long…

Thomas Wedders worked for a traveling circus in the 18th century. His very big nose was the thing that made him stand out and got him a lot of attention. Wedders is from Yorkshire, UK, and the Guinness Book of World Records says that he still has the longest nose of any person in the world.

Wedders is getting another chance to be famous because his waxwork came back to life and showed the world how big this man’s nose was. He still holds the Guinness World Record, even though all that is left of him is a wax nose. The man’s nose was 19 centimeters, or 7.5 inches, long. This nose is much longer than most men’s noses.

A photo of a wax figure of a man at a Ripley’s Believe It or Not show was posted on Reddit. As soon as people saw Wedders, they knew he had a nose that broke records because it was so long.

The Daily Star says that in 1896, the Strand Magazine gave some information about Thomas Wedders’s nose.

“So, if noses always showed how important a person was, this worthy person should have gotten all the money in Threadneedle Street and taken over all of Europe.”

Because Thomas Wedders had a very long nose, the article made it seem like he wasn’t the smartest person in the world.

“But either his chin was too weak or his brow was too low, or Nature was so busy giving this genius a nose that she forgot to give him brains, or maybe the nose got in the way of the brains. At any rate, we’re told that this Yorkshireman died, nose and all, as he had lived: in a state of mind that could best be called “the most utter stupidity.”

On their website, Guinness World Records also goes into detail about Wedders’s big nose.

“Thomas Wedders, who lived in England in the 1770s and was part of a traveling circus, is said to have had a nose that was 19cm (7.5in) long,” says a history book.

We don’t know much about Thomas Wedders’s life, but we do know that he traveled with a circus and showed off his big nose to paying audiences. People think he lived into his fifties and died in Yorkshire when he was in his forties.

People on Reddit couldn’t believe it when they saw the man with the longest nose in the world.

“They say that when you look at your own nose, your brain ignores it, but I don’t know about that guy.”

“What’s really going on here? Tumor? Growth? Chance mistake in the genes? Do the nostrils reach the tip of the nose? Another person said, “I have so many questions…”

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