A shaking old man asked a pizza shop for food that would be thrown away. You will be amazed to know what the manager said…

When a shaky old man came into Kelley Square Pizza in Worcester, Massachusetts, right before it closed, he asked for food that would be thrown away. The restaurant manager was kind and insisted that he get a freshly made meal for free instead.

Mike Alexander, a mechanic in Worcester, was waiting for his pizza when he saw an older man walk into the pizza shop. The old man’s hands were shaking, he used a cane to walk, and he had on two coats.

Mike wrote, “I’m at Kelley Square Pizza waiting for my pizza to cook, and this little old man in a wheelchair walks in. He is using this stick as a makeshift cane and has on two coats. His hands are shaking, and he’s not sure who’s in charge.”

Even though Kelley Square Pizza was about to close for the night, the manager behind the counter paid full attention to the old man. The old man was obviously very hungry, and he was looking for food that might be thrown away or that he could buy at a discount.

“The man behind the counter answers, and he tells the other kid to stop cleaning right away” (they close at 130). The old man asks if there is anything being thrown away that he could buy cheaply.

Without hesitating, the kind manager tells his worker to make this old man whatever he wants instead.

“The manager then tells the kid to give this man whatever he wants. I just want everyone to know that even though things are hard and crazy and some people want to hurt others, there is still a lot of good in the world. There are many great things. Start with who you are. Open a door, buy a coffee, share some food, give money to a good cause, thank a veteran, and hang out with older people. Anything.”

Many people online were moved by how kind the manager was to the old man who was hungry.

“Nothing makes me happier than hearing how kind people are to each other. Thank you!” Desiree P. said so

“God bless you all for being kind enough to feed this old man who couldn’t buy a warm meal for himself. The world we live in is hard, and so many people are taking notice… You all have a good soul and a big heart. I give you the highest praise for all the good things you do. “Thank you, and God will bless you all,” Kim J. said.

“A man came into the service department where I work and asked if he could borrow a wrench to tighten a battery cable. I told him I couldn’t lend out the tech’s tools, but I could help him do that. So we did. He came back in after a few minutes and asked to use the phone. I said sure

He tried to get in touch with a guy he said needed work done. It turns out that the guy ran out of gas right after he left and was calling someone to offer to work for gas money. He lost his job and his house because he was sick too much. He was living in his car. I gave him my money for gas and sent one of our guys to get it in a fuel can.” Clif H. wrote.

“Yes! Every day, there are so many real acts of kindness. All we have to do is open our eyes. Many people need help, and we can all help them!” replied Mary G.

“A few days ago, I went to Burger King. The weather was cold. A senior comes in with about 60 cents in her pocket and asks for a coffee at the senior price. The woman looked like she was from around here, but her coffee cost 84 cents. I told the cashier to make it a large and give her back her change. I’ll pay for it. The woman started to cry, thanked me, and asked for a hug, which I gave her. While I was waiting for my food, the manager came in with her coffee and some food for herself. “He told her to sit down and enjoy her coffee and food,” Gabrielle P. said.

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