When “Rust” starts filming again, Keanu Reeves will replace disgraced Alec Baldwin…

Because he didn’t care about people’s lives on the set of “Rust,” Alec Baldwin is likely to spend about five years in prison for involuntary manslaughter. So, the question is, what will happen to the movie itself?

Some people think it should be forgotten because it’s a bad memory, but others want it to keep going. The woman who died settled a lawsuit with Baldwin. If the movie gets made, her husband will get an executive producer spot and a lot of money, so the project is moving forward. One big difference is that Keanu Reeves will now play the lead role.

Set designer Joe Barron said, “No one wants Baldwin here anymore, but we want Halyna’s family to have at least some financial security.” Art Tubolls, who was in charge of casting, said that Keanu Reeves was the clear choice.

“Not only do the taters like him, but he’s also the nicest guy in the world,” Tubolls said. “All we had to do was bring up her kid, and he had no choice but to help us. We aren’t even going to pay him.”

Reeves told us via email, “They wanted to pay me, but I wouldn’t take it. I told them to give it to the kid, and I added a million of my own coins to pay homeless people in the area as extras.” In total, Reeves will spend about $3 million and a year of his life on the project. He said, “It’s worth it to make someone smile.”

We could come up with ideas like this all day long if there were more people like him. Keanu Reeves, may God bless you. God bless the United States.

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