The kicker for the Los Angeles Rams says that a father’s “most important” job is to get his family to heaven… Read on to know more…

Greg “The Leg” Zuerlein, a kicker for the Los Angeles Rams, just talked about his Catholic faith. He said that the “most important” thing a father can do is teach his children morals that will help them get to Heaven.

Zuerlein said in a new interview that he loves football, but he knows that his career will end someday, so he has much bigger goals in life.

The kicker who helped his team get to the Super Bowl this year said, “I like playing football, but I know it will end someday.” “The older I get, the more I realize that what I do for a living is more important than who I am.”

Zuerlein went on to say that, as a devout Catholic, his top goal in life is to get his wife and children to Heaven.

“A single Catholic man’s most important goal is to get his soul to heaven,” Zuerlein said. “But a married Catholic man’s most important goal is to get not only his own soul to heaven, but also the souls of his wife and children.” “It’s almost as if you have one soul as a family because you love each other so much.”

Zuerlein and his wife, Megan, have four kids. He thinks that having kids is the whole point of marriage.

“The whole point of getting married is to raise good kids,” he said. “First, you give them a natural life, and then you give them a spiritual life in the Church.” “Children are supposed to be highly valued, but not in the way that they are a rare treat. Families usually have kids, so it shouldn’t be strange when they do.

Zuerlein ended by saying that his parents gave him a strong faith, and he wants to do the same for his own kids.

“In our family, we were taught that we have to do certain things to get to heaven,” he said. “The Church is there to help us reach that goal in so many ways. It’s up to us to decide if we want to work with the grace that’s available through the sacramental and devotional life of the Church. All of it comes from Christ and spreads through Mary, Joseph, the apostles, angels, and so on. I learned that when I was young, but now I see it even more clearly.”

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