Airline Pilot takes care of Baby of Overwhelmed Passenger Mom With 4 Kids…

Traveling with four little ones, two toddlers and two toddlers is really taxing. This mom needed an extra hand and laps to care for, feed and provide for her babies while on board. They say that not all heroes wear capes.

Luckily, this kind-hearted pilot came to the rescue. His kindness, indeed, would not go unnoticed. A photo of Tom with the cute baby in his arms is now making waves on the internet. On Facebook alone, it now has over 200k likes and thousands of compliments for this caring fellow.

The little boy looked at him as if he wanted to imprint on his memory what this kind man looked like. One of the followers commented. “What a great surrogate mother. The little one looks very comfortable with it.” Another wrote: “It’s called a great service. Angels are everywhere. Thanks for sharing this great story.”

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