12-year-old girl earns 16 million views on Bill Withers cover…

She may be a young girl, but she sounds like she’s from a completely different era! Sometimes a song hooks us so much that we listen to it over and over again. We don’t even notice the repetition, getting more and more lost in the music. Sometimes love is instantaneous. We hear it and we just have to have it. For some, we pay tribute by dancing in the kitchen or singing loudly in the shower. For others, the music cover helps to completely immerse yourself in the melody. Such is the case with young Jojo Strogatz, a teenager with a penchant for singing.

In 2015, she dazzled the internet with an incredible performance. Since starting his musical career, Strogatz has gone by the stage name Kanen. Her name is inspired by the name of Canens, a nymph from Roman mythology who was “the personification of the song.” The young jazz singer hails from Ithaca, New York and has always loved to sing.

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