Elon Musk is suing the pants off of Kathy Griffin… Read on to know more…

The internet is full of Elon sounds. A story about the new Head Twit says that he wants to use lawsuits to ruin Kathy Griffin. Griffin was so stupid that she pretended to be the world’s richest man and then publicly insulted him. Because of this, she has already lost an HBO special, put one of her homes up for sale, and sold some of her most prized possessions to her friends.

We were able to find out where all of that information came from on our own, so we think the claim is true.

Griffin still wants to sell some of her private collections, which include PEZ dispensers that she has been collecting for 40 years and a chest full of buttons, some of which are very old and date back to prehistoric times. Our source said, “Those should be worth a lot, I’ve seen a few of them. One of them has the blood of Julius Caesar on it, but no one knows why because the Romans didn’t like buttons.

Putting aside the mystery about her buttons and PEZ, Griffin will probably have to sell her famous red hair to the wax museum to get her over the finish line, and that’s just to pay her current legal fees.

That’s what happens, boys and girls, when you mess with the bull. You end up having an estate sale while you’re still alive and selling buttons that are 3,000 years old.

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